The Floating Towers © [New York, Washington 2003/2005]

»The Floating Towers ©«






»The Floating Towers ©«

The destroyed twin-towers of the World Trade Center will be
rebuilt as two big cubes, floating in the hudson river.

The location of the towers can be changed with the help of tow-boats.
vanishing in one place, appearing in another.

There are parks and gardens on their tops and large empty spaces inside for different usage [exhibitions, cultural events].

The memorial site will be left empty, except for a ticketoffice selling tickets for the floating towers. visitors will be brought to the towers by ferries.

The towers are illuminated at night as part of the manhattan skyline.
From the top of the new built world trade center the floating towers
appear and can be seen in the same way as they are standing.

Steelplates and glassplates with names of the victims fixed to
steelframes on swimming pontoons [same construction as freighters]

»The Floating Towers« – a reminiscent presence





World Trade Center Site Memorial Competition New York 2003 Participation
Andreas Knitz »The Floating Towers ©« New York, 2003
Exhibition at the Goethe Institut New York, 2004
Exhibition at the Goethe Institut Washington DC, 2005
Proposal for the World Trade Center Site memorial competition, New York, 2003