Horst Hoheisel and Andreas Knitz

Horst Hoheisel and Andreas Knitz together with Marcelo Brodsky (left) at the Rio de la Plata

Horst Hoheisel
The German artist was born in Poznan, Poland, in 1944.
While graduating in Forest Sciences, he also attended classes as an auditor student at the Academy of Arts, in Munich. Hoheisel promoted the ecological analysis of a tropical forest in Venezuela, at the Forest Engineering Institute for the study of the tropics, at Göttingen University, as a scientific assistant. While attending classes at the Kassel Academy of Arts, Hoheisel lived amidst a Yanomami Indian tribe at Orinoco, Amazon, Brazil, and also made several trips to the Sahara.
For the last 20 years Horst Hoheisel's work has concerned the comemmoration of victims of the German National Socialist Movement.
Jointly with Andreas Knitz, he elaborated and produced new shapes of monuments, which became internationally known as ‘negative-monuments’ or ‘counter-monuments’ (www.zermahlenegeschichte.de).
Besides the memory of open air landmarks, his works also belong to the patrimonies of several international museums (Museum of Modern Art, NY; the Jewish Musuem, NY; Yad Vashem, Jerusalem; Jüdisches Museum, Berlin; Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin; Gedenkstätte Deustscher Widerstand, Berlin; Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Kassel, and others).
The drawings Life-signs are shown the first time in the Museu Lasar Segall, Sao Paulo.
Participant at the dOCUMENTA 13, 2012
Chairs/Teaching: Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Bauhaus-University Weimar, University Campinas
Lives and works in Kassel, Germany

Andreas Knitz
Born in Ravensburg in 1963
Vocational training as a furniture carpenter
Degree course in architecture at Kassel University
1993 Diploma: Thesis on "Dynamics and Mobility in Architecture"
1993-2001 Work as an architect in Kassel
2001 Opening of his office RAUMSTATION in Ravensburg-Berg
The essence of his work is to discover an individual architectural form that fulfils the task of
creating a liveable and useable sculptural line of multiple room experiences.
Alongside his architectural activities Andreas Knitz has been active as an artist since 1995.
The main part of his artistic work has been in cooperation with Horst Hoheisel in the
Team Hoheisel & Knitz . The Team has participated in numerous exhibitions, art projects,
interventions and has presented artistic statements on art and memory dealing with the suppressed
and tabooed history in Germany, Austria, the U.S.A. and Latin America. Their aim is to develop
new forms of artistic memory dealing with the usually tabooed topics of past dictatorships,
social traumata and violent events.
Andreas Knitz is an artistic catalyst in the process of remembering long forgotten and suppressed events.
His artistic conceptive work focuses on the points of intersection between history, architecture, society and art.
In the context of exhibitions and talks, Andreas Knitz has chaired compact seminars and workshops on these
topics at the universities of Sao Paolo and Baltimore along with Horst Hoheisel.
His intention is to bring the individual and joint memory of unloved history out of the shadows so
that it is openly recognised as part of our joint history; no longer to be suppressed.
He continually chooses new and unusual methods or eye-catching ways of sharpening
historic self-consciousness that it be passed on to future generations.
The memorial project Grey Busses is thus a memorial on the move and in time.
To actually keep this monument on the move as a dynamic process of remembrance instead
of the usual static and finite memorial is an import impulse in his and Horst Hoheisel's artistic interventions.
Lives and works in Ravensburg, South-Germany
Selection of Projects and Exhibitions
Projects of Horst Hoheisel:
Negative Memorial Aschrottbrunnen (Kassel 1986/87);
The Artist as Katalysator of Memory Thought-Stones-Collection,
(Kassel, Berlin, Munich 1986-1990);
Holocaust-Memorial Brandenburger Tor Gate - The Memorial as a blank void (Berlin 1994/95);
The Gateways of the Germans (Memorial for one night): Slide-Projection
of the Auschwitz-Gate on the Brandenburger Tor (Berlin 27. Januar 1997)
Exit: Brandenburg Gate (Berlin 2003)
Berlin minus Gate (Berlin 2003)
The Levels (Caracas 2006)
underGROUND (Phnom Penh, Cambodia 2009)
School Windows of Memora (Vilnius 2009)
Projects of Horst Hoheisel and Andreas Knitz:
A memorial to a memorial (Buchenwald 1995)
Crushed History - Zermahlene Geschichte (Weimar 1997 - 2002)
GERMAN GROUND - German grounds (Frankfurt/Berlin 1998)
Temporary Light-Installation in the new built
police-presidency of Kassel (Kassel 2000)
Peace-freighter (Tel Aviv 2001)
1752 x 12 kg produkt linz (Linz 2000)
Arte da Memória (Sao Paulo 2001)
MariAntonia / memoriAntonia (Sao Paulo 2002 und 2003)
Pássaro Livre / Vogel Frei (Pinacoteca Sao Paulo 2003)
Moving Monuments / Denkmal der grauen Busse (Ravensburg and other Places - since 2006)
Growing Memory (Eberswalde 2011)
Book-Marks (Bonn 2012)
The Return of the Rose Garden (Günzburg 2014)
The Eye of the Memory (Poznan 2014)
Exhibitions of Horst Hoheisel (Single-Exhibitions and Participations):
1978 München, Lenbachhaus, Kunstforum; 1983 Berlin, Pankehallen
1986 Köln, Moltkerei; 1994 Jewish Museum, New York;
1994 Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin; 1995 Stadtmuseum, München
1995 Duisburg, Innenhafen; 1998 Yad Vashem,Israel
2000 Stiftung DKM, Lehmbruckmuseum, Jewish community, Duisburg
2000 Museum of Modern Art, New York: Open Ends, Counter Monuments and Memory
2003 Fluchtweg Brandenburger Tor, Haus der Commerzbank Berlin
2003 Berlin Torlos, Jüdisches Museum Berlin
2003 LebensZeich-n-en, Museo Lasar Segall Sao Paulo
Exhibitions Hoheisel and Knitz (Single-Exhibitions and Participations):
1995 Museum of Sepulchral, Kassel;
1999 Crushed History - Art as a roundabout way, Thuringia Main State Archive Weimar;
2000 Oberösterreichische Landesgalerie, Linz
2001 Arte da Memória, USP Maria Antonia Sao Paulo
2002 and 2003 MariAntonia / memoriAntonia, USP Maria Antonia Sao Paulo
2003 Pássaro Livre - Vogel Frei, Pinacoteca Sao Paulo
2004 Arte da Memória, Palacio do Congreso, Brasilia
Works in Gallerys and Museums:
Lenbachhaus, München; Staatliche Museen, Kassel;
Museum für Sepulkralkultur, Kassel; Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin;
Jüdisches Museum, Berlin; Gedenkstätte Yad Vashem;
Gedenkstätte Buchenwald; Haus der Geschichte, Bonn; Stadtmuseum, München;
Lehmbruckmuseum, Duisburg; Jewish Museum, New York; Museum of Modern Art,
New York; Thuringia Main State Archive Weimar; Botanical Garden, Linz.
Workshops in Sao Paulo (USP-Centro Universitário Maria Antônia), 2001, 2002, 2014
Workshop in Baltimore (UMBC, The University of Maryland, Baltimore County) 2006